فايروس Macro.Word.Angus

كيف تزيل Macro.Word.Angus فايروس

Macro.Word.Angus فايروس

معلومات عن الفايروس و كيفية إصابته للكمبيوتر مع طريقة الحماية منه

Details Macro.Word.Angus It is an encrypted Word macro virus, it contains nine macros: Document NORMAL.DOT FileClose FC AutoOpen NOpen FileSave 7 other FileSaveAs with random FilePrint names FilePrintDefault FileTemplates ToolsMacro FileExit PCGURU4 It infects global macros area on opening or closing an infected document (AutoOpen, FileClose). It infects documents on saving and saving with new name (FileSave, FileSaveAs). While infecting documents the virus stores renames its macros (see above) with random names and saves references to them to document's variables. On October 23rd on printing documents the virus appends to the end of documents the message: NAENBGOURSG Hello from GREECE On October 24th the virus creates and spawns the PCGURU4.BAT file that contains the instructions: @echo off Rem PcGuru4 virus by NAENBGOURSG Rem Golden Version 4.3 type PcGuru4.bat >> PcGuru4.bat
عدد المشاهدات: 438
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